
In the medical system much

In recent years, angle sensor potentiometer networks have been used in medical systems and health care, for example, monitoring various physiological data of the human body, tracking and monitoring the actions of doctors and patients in hospitals, and hospital drug administration. If special sensor nodes, such as heart rate and blood pressure monitoring, are installed in the inpatient, the physician will be kept informed of the patient's condition and will be able to rescue the patient if unusual circumstances arise. The use of sensor networks can efficiently transmit the necessary information to facilitate care, and can reduce the burden on nurses and improve the quality of care. The use of sensor networks for a long time to collect physiological data, can speed up the process of developing new drugs, and installed in the monitored objects on the micro-sensors will not give people the normal life of too much inconvenience. In addition, there are novel and unique applications in many aspects of drug management

